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Identifying the Recently Deceased: Bone, Teeth, and DNA

Primary Course Instructors: Dennis Dirkmaat, Ph.D., D-ABFA; Joe Adserias-Garriga, DDS, Ph.D., D-ABFO; Luis Cabo, MS; Christine Lench, Cpl PSP (Ret.); Arthur W. Young, BS, F-ABC; and, Rhian Dunn, M.S.

The identification of the deceased is one of the main aspects of a case investigation. The process of identification may require different approaches with the same ultimate goal: give an identity to the human remains.


This course will cover all of the key aspects of identification of the deceased from the coroner´s, law enforcement and the forensic scientist perspective.


The topics discussed throughout this week-long course include, but are not limited to:


  1. The principles of scientific means of human identification.

  2. Obtaining fingerprints from the deceased in various stages of decomposition.

  3. Reconstruction of the biological profile by osteological analysis: sex, age, ancestry and stature estimation.

  4. Computer-aid methods of the biological profile estimations.

  5. Dental age estimation methods for juveniles and adults.

  6. Computer-aid dental age estimation.

  7. Human identification by odontological means.

  8. Dental identification software and data bases.

  9. Human identification through DNA analysis.

  10. Genetic Genealogy and Phenotyping.

  11. Human identification in mass disaster operations.


The course will consist of lectures, followed by hands-on sessions, where the participants will have the opportunity to apply the different methods of identification, as well as forensic cases discussions.


Audience: Students of Forensic Sciences, Law enforcement, Medicolegal professionals, Criminal Law attorneys, Crime Writers and other interested individuals. No previous experience is required. Must be 18 years of age.

Approved for PA Coroner's CE Credit:

  • Full Course: 8 hours 

  • Single Day: 8 hours

Download our syllabus here

Erie, PA

July 31-Aug 4, 2023

In person single day: $199

In person complete course: $799

Online single day: $150

Online complete course: $650

In Person course approved for 28.5 ABMDI credit hours

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