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Core Principles and Practices in Forensic Anthropology: All Star Tour, Vol. 1
Primary Course Instructors: Dennis C. Dirkmaat, Ph.D., D-ABFA (Mercyhurst University; Heather Garvin, Ph.D., D-ABFA (Des Moines Medical University); Joseph T. Hefner, Ph.D., D-ABFA (Michigan State University); Nicholas Passalacqua, Ph.D., D-ABFA (Western Carolina University); Alexandra Klales, Ph.D. (Washburn University); Kyra Stull, Ph.D. (University of Nevada, Reno); Sara Getz, Ph.D. (Idaho State University); Erin Chapman, Ph.D. (Erie County Medical Examiner's Office); Christopher Rainwater, M.S. (New York City Medical Examiner's Office); Diana Messer, M.S. (DEPAA); Michael J. Hochrein, Special Agent FBI, Ret.); Luis Cabo, M.S. (Mercyhurst University); and Paul Emanovsky, Ph.D., D-ABFA (DEPAA).
June 3-14, 2019
*Approved for 35 ABMDI continuing education credit hours*

HD Forensics serves as a training platform for law enforcement and medicolegal professionals involved in the recovery and interpretation of human remains in forensic contexts. The company is co-directed by internationally recognized experts Dennis Dirkmaat, Ph.D., D-ABFA and FBI Special Agent Michael Hochrein (ret). They provide a wide variety of services and training opportunities focused on forensic scene recoveries (outdoor and indoor), mass disaster incidents, forensic anthropology cases, and general criminalistics.
2024 In Person and Online Short Courses Now Available!
IAI, ABMDI, and PA Coroners Continuing Education credit available by course
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